Hi Dr. I am 63 years old, in relatively great health; I haven t had a cold or flu or any other illness that has kept me I ll for more than two days in the last twenty- five years. So that s the good news. About thirteen years ago or so, I had a bout with sudden hair loss, and i went to see a nutritionist at the local health food shop. After telling me that I should expect this at my age, I explained that this all came about in a matter of a month or so. He then suggested Omega 3 and wild caught salmon three times a week. Hair came back--and then some! And I still have it. It s no longer the thick mop it use to be, but it s okay. Recently, it s starting falling out again, pretty much in the same manner as it did back then. I know that my stress levels are not good; it s been a rough two years, reversal of fortune, a move to another state to be with my daughter and granddaughter, and a dearth of work. What vitamins or other things can I turn to to stop this. I do exercise, although admittedly not as much as I had been a few months ago, but I am ramping it up. I eat well-- very little red meat-- lots of organic fruits and vegs, grains, lots of wild caught Scottish salmon! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, and Happy New Year. PS my doctor, the lovely and talented Diane Minasian in Riverside, RI recommended you.