After having a pair of earings in my ear for about five mins. I noticed the next day that my earring hole had crusted over on both sides. It stayed this way for a week, and at the end of the week I noticed that the scab on the back was sticky and soft. I pulled the scab off and I noticed the ear whole was twice the size and I had yellow green pus. I tried to squeeze it but nothing came out. I ended up with a swollen ear lobe that was sore and I noticed a lump the size a pea or bigger on the side of my neck that was sore. My neck is still swollen as well as my ear lobe. In fact my ear lobe feels squishy. I started having dizziness, nausea, bloated feeling in my tummy and passing gas. Oh I also noticed I have been sweating (not bad) ever since it started also.I was wondering if this was due to my ear. I tried a over the counter motion sickness medicine and it doesn t help that much. Do you think the dizziness, nausea, bloating, and sweating are from my earring problem and if so what can I do?