Last night, My 14 year old daughter complained of stomach pain in the center of her abdomen, above the belly button. We had eaten at a pot luck after her piano recital. She had been nervous about that. She thought she had food poisoining from this one salad she didn t like but also complained of burning at described it as going up such as hiatal(sp) hernia. It will go away for awhile then comes back. I gave her one tums and that took the edge off. Then when she woke up it didn t hurt. She had egg, bacon & toast sandwich & some yogurt & apple for breakfast. Around 8 had stomach ache again until 9:30ish. School lunch was goulash, 2 tea rolls with jelly, canned pears. She had a track meet today at 3- in 4 events and gets nervous about that. By 4:00 it was hurting on and off and felt like vomiting. She ate a sandwich, gogurt, mandarin oranges and oatmeal, peanut butter no bake power bar throughout that time when it wasn t hurting. It is still hurting now. She is alternating positions and not able to get it to quit. She describes it as her stomach is burning. She had loose bowels in the last week and some diarrhea (she tells me now) and then it would go away. She says when she passes gas she gets some relief but not for long.