Hi, My daughter is 6 now and she started having constipation around 2.5 Yrs and has been there off and on. Around 3 yrs it got bad and the doctor asked us to put her on looz ( a laxative). We worked on her food habits, physical activity along with the laxative and when she was around 4yrs it completely went away. Now, about 4 months ago we relocated and the constipation has come back. Its getting worse now as she is passing very big and hard stool mostly once in 2-3 days along with bleeding. She s started holding it as it hurts, there is bloating and today i noticed that the anal fissure (which appeared around 3 years which the doc examined then and said happens with hard stool) is swelled. She is a very quite, sensitive and very mature for her age. Ive put her back on the laxative and have called the pediatrician s office for an appointment. Please suggest if this could be something serious. Thanks