Issue number one: I ve been having brown; close to blood red poop, and I ve started to notice it has tiny, almost perfect little holes in it. It might be worms, but I d rather commit suicide than go throw surgery to remove worms, I ve seen Stomach surgery videos about this stuff, and it frightens me just to watch it. Issue number two: My testicles are misshapen. I have one testicle; the right one, that is larger than the other, and I ve noticed my connecting veines from my inside to my testicles are getting larger, I ve read online that testicle issues also make your breasts bigger, (talking about males, not females), and both breasts and testicles are commonly itchy. I ve had both simptoms, and I m to embarrassed to consult my parents about it, besides them telling me that I think I have everything and they not caring. Anyway, please help. Both issues are bothering me.