My son is 26yo. He c/o whole body pain and weakness along with freq severe headaches. He cannot work or go to school. Being treated by an endocrinologist for hypothyroid since July 14. This has been getting progressively worse over years. Neg for lyme, Rheumatologist says he can t find any arthritis or joint inflammation. Most Labs are WNL. Just found a fatty liver by PCP. Does not drink, smoke oe do any drugs. Does not take nsaids d/t they don t help at all . Now, dentist found white lesions in this mouth at check-up last week. Today, he has a VERY difficult time getting up out of chair, legs buckle when walking and c/o bilat knee/thigh pain. Many MD s have been seen and no one can figure out this conundrum of a case. Please help, if you can!