Hi, I'm a female, 66 years old, 5'2", 115 pounds. I have had severe burning pain that starts in my right abdomen and sometimes radiates upward. This started a couple months ago. At that time, I headed to the ER and had CT scans (with and without dye), a chest x-ray, and bloodwork. All looked normal. Their best guess was shingles, though I have no rash (and was vaccinated a few years ago). Somedays, I just have a warm sensation in my right abdomen, sometimes the pain becomes quite intense and radiates upward. This can last for 2-10 hours (this type of pain would typically make me go to the ER but I've already done that route twice and they've found nothing). My primary physician recently had an xray of my back done to check for pinched nerves...it came back as normal. Any thoughts on what could be causing this?