ok so my son is 14 soon to be 15, he has bowel issues, and our locals don t suggest anything besides a laxative, he sometimes goes 10 days without a movement. and besides that when he does emply his bowel it is a lot like fills a toilet. he has been like this since he was a toddler. but as unsettling as that is I am more concerned about the smell of ammonia that accompanies it. again locals say no big deal it happens not to worry. i belive this is a factor in his bad moods, and might have something to do with him fainting, and more then frequent nose bleeds, his dr. suggested that he see a phycuatrist as it is all in his head, and that it is probably just anemia, and not to worry. it took me 3 years to get a referral to a pediatrician, and then another 1year 8 months to get an appointment, heading there this week.any help would be great!!!