I have a few symptoms that i believe are all connected in some way, however finding someone that can pinpoint the connection is proving to be difficult so i thought i would throw a feeler out on this site and see what happens.-Dizziness, random and comes on for no apparent reason. I very rarely allow myself to get dehydrated.-Blurry vision, again random and for no apparent reason. I do not have glasses and my eye exams showed no issues.-Inability to have ears equalize. This happens when traveling up and down mountain roads (slow changes in elevation), flying (i can usually get them to pop/equalize but it takes work.. Chewing gum, moving jaw from side to side, swallowing.. Also scuba diving, If i dont take several decongestants im lucky to make it to a depth of 20' because my ears just wont equalize.-constant pressure in my head, it feels like someone has a ballon between my ears, this doesn't cause pain but its extremely uncomfortable/annoying.-poor balance, i find myself catching my balance a lot almost like my equilibrium is off?-occasional slurred speech, why this happens is beyond me, i will be talking just fine then the next few words will come out all mumbled and make no sense. Its like i get tongue tied.. I know i said above i think these symptoms are all connected in some way and maybe some are not but im open to hearing opinions w reasons to back them up so i can bring them to my doctor and possibly solve this.Im not sure if anyone will have any ideas on this. I have yet to have a doctor put all these together and say.. I think its this.. '...'. I hope someone(s) here can shed some light on this for me. Thank you all for your time.