Hello, I've been experiencing vaginal issues for about a month now, and I am very concerned. I have a boyfriend, and about three weeks after we had sex for the first time, I experienced my very first “yeast infection” so I thought. I had very unpleasant discomfort in my vagina, had a very hard time passing urine and had to very frequently but very little came out, there was no odour or discharge, everything else remained normal. I treated it while I was in my period, but I forgot to apply the cream one day. It seemed a lot better afterwards, but now, I am experiencing a bad smelling (not fishy) discharge. It is thick, creamy, and a little sticky but on white tissue it looks yellow. Also, even if it is not as bad as it was passing urine can be uncomfortable (sometimes) and sometimes, I am just “uncomfortable” down there. I often have the urge to urinate, and again, very little comes out, I feared having Chlamydia, but my partner has no symptoms at all.
I have no doctor, and honestly would prefer not to go. I am embarrassed, and this is my first vaginal problem and it makes me feel dirty and unhealthy. If you could help it would be greatly appreciated.