My son-in-law has been admitted to the hospital for many things; one of them is blood loss. He is 61 years of age, a type two Diabetic, a former drug user, history of kidney disease. He had left shoulder surgery last October (2014), with two different upper arm iv lines which got infected. He has been on antibiotics since Surgery. He is a long-time smoker. When he was admitted, he was in a confused state, legs swollen (both) Was unable to sleep and had very recently fallen and hurt his left side, but could still walk. His cardiac enzymes were elevated, but I was told his kidney labs were only slightly elevated. He has received iv fluids. His blood work shows he is anemic, and previously his infectious disease dr stated he needed an iron infusion. I don t live near my daughter, and I just wondered if you could help me to understand all that is going on.