Hello my husband and i have been ttc . I am currently taking the off brand medicine of provera and have been taking it since oct.2014 to regulate my periods. Since ive started the meds. I have been have my period. I ovulated jan.28 2015 my fertile days were the 25-30th of jan. We had sex everyday starting 2days before i was fertile. I have been having fatigue, headaches, sore boobs, cramping on and off, nusea, and am using the bathroom waaay more than usual, also ive been gassy and constipated. Are these symptoms? I took a test 11dpo and got a BFN i am now 13dpo. Could i be pregnant? Will i get a accurate result today? I am due for AF tomorro and have been experiencing AF like symptoms but still nothing wen i wipe. Also 6dpo I had pinkish blood with some mucus in the early part of the day then around 6pm it was a brown discharge and nothing since.