My name is Kory...I am a 30 year old male and have been suffering in life for about 15 months now...I m a very healthy person and my diet is great...I do not drink or smoke...I am 5 10 190lbs and bodyfat is about 8%...I get prescribed 10mg adderall twice a day... For some reasons my blood creatinine has been increasing and GFR has been declining showing me in stage 3 CKD, however my kidney doctor is not sure why...My thyroid sows me subclinical hypothyroidism, TSH is 5.6 and my T4 and T3 are in the low to normal range...I have not started any thyroid medication due to the fact I want my cortisol levels taken and my ACTH...My endocrinologist tells me I have no adrenal insuffiency... I honestly believe my cortisol levels are high and causing my kidney numbers and my thyroid numbers to be insufficient...My symptoms are extreme fatigue, dry skin and hair, low libido, trouble sleeping, extreme muscle fatigue and weakness, loss of appetite, losing weight, depression, headaches, body aches, can not deal with any stress, stressed out and have anxiety and shakiness My question is can high cortisol levels alone and/or ACTH be causing my thyroid and kidneys numbers to be misleading? My email is YYYY@YYYY you so much for taking the time to read this and I hope to hear back from you