Hi! My menstrual cycle was always 28 days with 2-3 days of light flow. About 3 years ago, i started bleeding excessively but still every 28 days. The flow became very heavy, bleeding through a super tampon every 15 minutes and when i would change, one pad was already soaked. I was thinking it was menapause. I went to a specialist and was diagnosed with an elective surgery. He said my uterus was covered with fibroids and one was in the way of blood flow. He suggested either an ablation or a hysterectomy. I chose not to have any surgery. one year later (current) I have bled for 30 days now and one week of those day, it was like a murder scene in my house. the blood was everywhere. i could not walk from one place to another without blood falling to the floor. I called the specialist and he was not in. they were concerned that i would be anemic and need a transfusion. i did not go to the hospital. however, i slept the whole christmas weekend. what is happening?