Thank you. I have had an eye problem for several months which caused losing my sight in my right eye off and on, and was recently sent to a Retina specialist. She diagnosed it as a herpes infection. I had chicken pox as a child and have had shingles twice in the past 5 years. She gave me Acyclovir 800mg, 1 tab 5 times a day for a week, then TID. I am a young 83 years old. People tell me I look like 60 and I feel much younger than my age and I am active. I have had many blood tests, xrays, ultrasound of abdomen, and cardiac cath. All tests come out normal. I have no diabetes or other major illnesses. My question is, I have been experiencing dizziness, fogginess, tired and sleep too much, and stomach aches and diarrhea off and on. I also have arthritis, which has become more painful, (hurt all over kind of thing), especially my legs. I have had a crushed leg, ankle and foot in an auto accident 12 years ago, in my right leg, which is always painful but has become more painful since starting the Acyclovir. Is this a result of the high dose of Acyclovir, and are these dangerous signs? I am not sure whether to call my doctor about these symptoms or just bear it until I can cut down on the med. Thank you