Hello. I m a 19 year old female with a question about my reactions to marijuana and alcohol. About 6 weeks ago I smoked about three or four hits off a bowl of pot, and didn t feel high at all. But for about 13 days afterwards I felt very strange. I had a foggy feeling in my brain. Things didn t seem real, I had bad short term memory, I couldn t concentrate on anything, and I couldn t keep track of what day or time it was. It lead me to feel depressed and scared until it eventually went away about 2 weeks later. Now, I am experiencing similar effects four days after drinking alcohol. Four nights ago I drank 6-8 shots of straight vodka on a full stomach. I weigh about 180 pounds, so I guess it hit me hard. I got incredibly drunk, threw up, then went to bed. A few days later I have the same feeling I had after smoking marijuana: feeling fuzzy in my brain, forgetful, worrisome, lack of concentration, inability to focus on what people say, vague feeling that nothing is real. Could my body simply not be able to handle these substances, or might there be something more serious going on? Any help would be appreciated. But I can say I have quit smoking and drinking for GOOD!