I started experiencing lower right abdominal pain last Thursday, nausea followed, then a fever. The pain was not severe, so I wrote it off as a strained muscle and a stomach flu. Yesterday, as the pain continued, I noticed there was a small mass that felt like a ridge at the area of the abdominal pain. I called the nursing line, who told me to get to a dr within 4 hours. I went to a nearby urgent care, and after a list of my symptoms, bp, and a 100 degree fever, they told me to go straight to the ER because they feared it could be appendicitis.
So, after 7 hours waiting, they drew my blood, did a urinalysis, and ordered a ct with contrast. My WBC was 14.4, but the CT was not able to visualize the appendix. The dr came back and told me that everything was normal and they were discharging me.
My concern is that from what I understand, there is no difinitive test that can diagnose appendicitis. And, the progression of symptoms seem to point in the direction of appendicitis. I have read that there is something called silent appendicitis which would not produce severe pain and may be hard to diagnose. Yet, it seems that the ER doctor was not concerned about this. I was discharged with a prescription for zofran. No antibiotics were administered or prescribed, and I was told to come back to the ER in a day if the symptoms didn't improve.
My question is - should I be content with the Drs assessment? Or, be concerned that there could be something brewing latently that the doctor didn't seriously consider because I wasn't writhing on the floor in pain? He actually told me that I didn't look like I was that bad.