Hi. Last Monday night (7 days ago), while having sex, it had felt like my right testicle had left my scrotum, and went back into my body. When I noticed, I stopped, and gently slid it back into place. Since then, my testes have felt...weird. Not necessarily painful, but noticeably different than before. If I clench my groin muscles tightly, there s occasionally a slight pain in the testes, but it s more noticeable pain in my stomach, while doing that. Also, since then, when I touch my testes (I wanted to make sure there weren t lumps or anything), I can get immediately light headed and/or nauseous. I ll be extremely gentle with them, in the shower, not in any sort of sexual manner or anything, and I just get right away get dizzy. (This doesn t hurt my testes, mind you) I don t know if I m just more aware of them since feeling like my testicle had slid back into my body, but it feels completely different. Not out of place, not swollen, just weird. I suppose I should have started with this, but I m a [reasonably] healthy 29 y/o man.