Hello,For the last year, I ve had a dull ache under my right testicle that goes all the way up in my groin and my abdomen and stops under my right ribcage. Some months I can barely feel it, and some months it gets really annoying, but never to the point of being disabling. It s really hard to pinpoint the source of the pain, but I found that touching my right testicle usually worsen the pain in the general area for a few days. The pain is my only symptom and is constant, but doesn t wake me up at night (I go to bed with it, and wake up with it). I ve been examined by both my GP and a urologist and I ve had a testicular ultrasound and an abdominal ultrasound (he suspected kidney stones due to pain in my right flank). They all came back negative (cancer, torsion, hernia, etc.) except for some small epidymital cysts.Could a epidymital cyst be the cause of that pain? It seems that when I manipulate the lump, the pain suddenly becomes worst for several days. Is there anything that is being overlooked? Thank you!