I have been nauseated, vomiting, weak, excessive sweating, I have had a constant generalized abdominal discomfort until I eat then starts again shortly after finishing a meal. I have no energy & can not do the simplest of tasks without sweat literally pouring off of my head & my entire body is wet to the touch, even my legs, buttocks, everywhere! This has been daily for over a month now. I saw my Dr who ordered Blood Tests & Xrays. The X-Ray indicated a possible abdominal blockage but a CT Scan at the ER ruled that out. The CT Scan did show a 1.2 cm lesion in the right lobe of the liver that was not clearly defined. I have an MRI scheduled for this next week.
Blood tests showed extremely high Neutrophils & Basophils but very low Eosinophils. Monocytes were also high but all other categories were in the normal range. Glucose was 120,
I have had the sweating issue for over a year & I am on Hormone Repacement due to Menopause. We thought the sweating incidents were Hot Flashes but that is not the case. At this point I have 0 quality of life & I am losing my desire to fight whatever it is that has knocked me on my butt.
My Dr's are all stumped. I did have a Transvaginal Mesh Implant in 2009. Could this be the cause?
Strep Test was Negative