i have numbing on my right hand specialy the last 3 fingers, plus, pin and needless feeling on my triceps, i had flu and i was coughing allot, it is when it start, then i slept on my hand few times, and it get worse from there, i get better from the flu, and it has been more than 3 weeks now. over all im better now, i had weekness feeling on my thumb and my hand in general, the numbing now only one the last 3 fingers, beside the pin and needles feelong on my triceps, and when i cough my right eyes hurts. i would like to know what do i need to do get my self better and what do i have. Note: i had muscle tension because it used to hurts when i move my arms, now i don t feel by any hurts, just the pin and needle feeling that i feel sometimes, but the numbing it is there all the day it never goes away, and it has been more than 3 weeks now, but it is allot better now. and it only get worse when i move my arm in ceritne way. beside i feel by this pin and needle feeling on my shoulder plate also as well, but i usuly don t experiance that unless i do hard movement with my arm. im 29, Computer designer, i weight 210 lbs