I was bitten on stung by a spider or wasp on my toe on Jan 21, 2015. It caused sever pain, itching, swelling, and blistering on the day after. Symptom subsided after about two weeks and left layers of white dead skin around the bottom of my toe. The layers were intact and attached to healthy skin above and below. Some of the skin is still attached, although dry, reddish and hard. In Feb, after walking a lot one day, the initial symptoms reappeared; severe itching, swelling, and blistering between the affected toe and the third toe. Both times, the symptoms subsided after taking antibiotics for 10 days and a steroid shot. Yesterday, the symptoms returned; again, after walking a lot in one day. The itching and swelling were not as severe, but another blister formed between the toes. How can I get the venom out of my toe, and what do I need to do to get rid of the dead skin around the bottom of the foot near the toe?