I am a 25 year old female in perfect health. I exercise regularly and eat well. In April I was serving at a high volume restaurant and running about 3 miles per day. I began to experience leg pain on my right tibia. I suspected shin splints and then the pain continued a got worse. I had an xray in June that found nothing. I went to a Sport's Medicine doctor in August who looked at my xray and gave me those ice nad advil speech.The pain went away in September and then came back in full force only after a trip out of state to a music festival where the leg was overused. Still in pain I went to another doctor who did a blood test, mri, and chest xray. My chest xray was completely clear, my blood test was normal and there were no abnormalities in my ALP level or my red/white cell count. My mri however, is showing what the doctor describes as a "zebra". He said there is something in my bone, perhaps in my marrow, from halfway down my shin to right where the tibia stops at the knee surrounded by inflammation. I am going to an orthopedic specialist later in the month, but I was looking for some insight. Symptoms include: pain, inflammation, sometimes warm, sometimes tender to the touch, and sometime stiff which causes problems when doing the steps. Any help would be appreciated as this seems to be a mystery at this point.