My left testicle had suddenly started hurting after, well, I had bad pain where my appendix would be if it was on the left side of my body (Yeah, it isn t.) and I got worried, although I ignored it for a few hours, laid down, and played on my phone for a few hours, I got back up and was shocked to see my testicle was more firm then the other, and it had hurt when I put slight pressure on it.It doesn t hurt to walk, it doesn t hurt at all besides when I feel around it.I am slightly lightheaded, but that may be due to all of my panicking thinking; Oh god, I need surgery, and I ve never had surgery before. And I feel like I m going to puke, well, not really, just slightly, a bit of puke in my mouth over the course of the time, and pain in my side.I m panicking, and I don t know whether or not to see a doctor due to me being worried sick by surgery.I don t want it, and I m freaked out by it.