I had a serious fall in late March and have been seeing an othopedic surgeon and podiatrist. I had extreme bruising, swelling and pain for several weeks. I fractured a toe, sprained my ankle, tore the ACL completely through, have torn cartiledge on lateral and media parts of the knee and a large hematoma that had reduced substantially but there remains a large spongy swelling. They attempted to aspirate it but nothing would come out. I have been through several weeks of physical therapy and have had 3 MRI's and a vein ultrasound to see if there was a clot. I will have surgery to fix the toe because it has not healed and there are bone chips visible on the xrays. My question is this. I continue to have swelling (although nothing like it was in that leg and foot, and the color of my leg looks darker than the uninjured one. Could there be some other kind of damage that is being missed? I am 62, female and have type 2 diabetes which seems to be controlled with diet and exercise. Unfortunately I have not really been able to exercise in the last 3 months. I have shooting pains in the medial area of the knee just above the hematoma when walking.