I am 30 year old, and weigh 135 lbs. I was in a soft cast/boot for the past few months due to neuralgia in my left foot. I am now on neurontin, and the pain has subsided and I am back to walking normally/fast and dping housework, gardening, and even some dancing (but no running yet), and out of no where I got this pain to the outer back side of my left knee right where the joint on the lower side going into my calf is. It does not hurt when resting, but is a tightness and shooting pain when I bend it back or squat. it does not hurt once in the position, only while in motion. it does not hurt as much when I bring it back straight. It does not appear to be red or swllen, but the discomfort has been worsening in intensity over the past two days - any thoughts?