I am a fifty year old women in pretty good shape. I am not over weight and I try to eat health. Lately I keep getting bile when I burp. I have tried to associate it with sugar or eating too much too fast but it comes on all the time and my stool is greenish blue and it is not a die in any foods I eat. ten years ago I had horrible abdominal pain, they removed my gall bladder in an emergency surgery but the pain was there the next day just as strong and painful, I am on pain medicine waiting for surgery the pain meds for my back don't even touch the abdomal pain, I never poop due to the meds. if I take stool softeners or laxatives the pain is so bad I want to go to the er. I break out in sweat its awful, I was married to a man who said since I had a bad back we could not afford to have any other illness.. he left last year I need to get hiv test, std test cancer screening. lump found under my armpit 9 years ago wanted to send me to huntsman for testing again my husband told me we could not afford for me to be a hypocrandriac. I now am very sick and concerned since he informed me he was sexually active with men and women for the past 8 years of our 13 year marriage. I quit having periods when I was 40 three years into my marriage, could a std cause my periods to stop, again he would not allow me to check out. I am taking an active approach for my health. any suggestion for test?