Hallo all dear doctors, my baby is 13 months old having fever from last 2 days,and its around 101 to 103 up in every 6 to 7 hours,i suggested to our ped,he examine that baby is having acute uri,he proscribed augmentin duo 2ml twice a day for 7days,Alaspan 2.5ml once in even for 2-3 days,metacin drops 1 ml if temp is 100.4°f ..... With this medications her temp was not in control so Dr suggest to give Ibugesic 2.5 ml.BT still fever is their in 6 to 7 hours,if fever is not in control with metacin how much should i wait for Ibugesic ??how much time it will take to recover??plz suggest your valuable suggestions.sorry for so long post Thanks in advance.