I have had neck pain for seven weeks. The onset was more sudden and subsequent symptoms have come on more gradually. I have had no memorable injury (whiplash, etc.). Symptoms have leveled off in the last week. Today, still very weak neck and head muscles (occipital area). The muscle weakness gives a feeling of fullness (swollen) in the neck and back of head. A sharp pain when swallowing that radiates back to my cervical spine area...especially if I swallow with my head turned down and to the left. Muscle pain radiates across traps and down to collar bone across the weak muscles. Headaches come on the left side when not taking Advil. Something is definitely bothering the nerves around my c1-4 cervical spine. There have been a few days where I have had difficulty swallowing but that has gotten better. My family Dr. took side x-rays of the neck and said they didn t see anything being pushed out of place (like a tumor). My TSH was 1.43. They gave me muscle relaxants and maximum dose of Advil. They said it was most probably a muscle strain or ligament sprain. The pain is remaining after eight days of this treatment. Should I be more concerned and push for an MRI or keep on with Advil and hope it goes away? I have to travel all week this week and don t have time to see anyone until Friday. What type of Dr. should I see if I keep pursuing (Ear, Nose, Throat, Spine specialist, other)? How urgent is this? Thanks, Jon DeLine