Unexplained recurrent cellulitis (just prescribed 5th round of new antibiotics) Red, warm swollen calf comes and goes. Dark color (new symptom) to skin on foot. Feet swollen as well as calf. Most evident at ankle itself, you can really see the swelling as though a tourniquet had been around ankles. I ve ceased wearing socks and wear only loosest shoes. This followed sudden symmetrical and awful joint pain in wrists, loss of strength, then joint pain spread to ankles. 3 months wishing it away, finally woke up and joint pain GONE only to return in 6-7 days with a vengeance. Mental confusion significant enough that some days I get lost on the most familiar short drives. Lose place in sentences and can t find common words. Hot flashes or bone chilling cold spells, yet no fever detected by drs. 10 yrs ago a backache worsened to I ability to walk, had to quit teaching. 6 months and aggressive pursuit of answer later Emory, god bless them, found spot in contrast MRI after body scans,MRIs galore, they scheduled laminectomy to remove what they thought was tumor. Nope. Staph filling spine pressing on nerves. Good as new immediately post op: problem is, no signs of infection for 6 mos. I m afraid I m scepticitis w/kidney issues (not urinating anymore than once per 12 hrs) but blood work is the Bible for most. I m afraid of a false negative and a tombstone that says I told you so.