I ve had a recurring sore throat for 4 months, along with a constant feeling of having a hair stuck in my throat. It started with tonsillitis (I had pus on my tonsil) and a particularly bad viral infection. The viral infection cleared up but the sore throat keeps coming back. The globus is pretty much constant. When it flairs up, I get pain when swallowing, and pain when laughing. The pain switches sides, and I feel as though the pain is coming from my tonsils although I m not certain. My doctor initially treated me for acid reflux but it hasn t helped, I never get heartburn. Another doctor thinks it might be allergies, as I also have a post nasal drip and rhinitis. I m at the end of my tether with these symptoms, it s ruining my life. After 6 or more doctors appointments, I ve finally been referred to an ENT but I have to wait up to three months for an appointment. Do you have any idea what this could be? A little background, I m a 30 year old female, I have an under active thyroid and an iron deficiency (I take thyroxine). I m also an ex smoker.