so I broke my 1st 2nd and 3rd metatarsal bones in my left foot and also had ligament damage and had surgery and 2 Screws in my big toe metatarsal and the one next to it, my injury happened on 3-28-13 and surgery was on 6-1-13 , i had the cast on for 5 weeks and i took it off myself because i had lost my job and my insurance and i couldn't afford cobra. I became homeless on 7 -3 and had no choice but to walk and carry a heavy back pack , i was homeless for 2 months and in that time i had to walk alot in bad pain, i am still in severe pain and walk with a limp, also i have numbness on the top of my foot . I still havent seen a doctor about it and im worried i have caused permenent damage.