Intermittently, I have a sharp pain just below my lowest, right rib, as well as just beneath thladder issues DO run in e lowest right rib. The pain is sharp and when it subsides, there is tenderness in that specific area, similar to a sore muscle. I do not drink alcohol, nor have I ever abused it. Gallbladder issues DO run on the Paternal side of my family, and my deceased Father, an alcoholic, suffered from Cirrhosis. Both my Father, and my Niece (on Dad s side of family) had their Gallbladders removed. I DO take Opiate analgesics that contain Acetaminaphin (sp?), as well as several other medications. I am wondering if I may have a Liver disorder, or, possibly, a ill-functioning Gallbladder? This intermittent pain does not occur at any specific times of the day, nor is it related to food intake. Thank you for your time, effort, and guidance. I am a 58 year old female with severe C.O.P.D.