I have not had a pain pill in two years.I feel like I did my last pill yesterday.Why am I pill sick after two years?Everone say seven to ten days,or worse case a few months.Now I am hearing that one will be pill sick from seven days to twenty years.I cannot lay in this bed another eighteen years.I must start using again,because I do not want my life to be clean but you cannot get out of bed and go to the mailbox.What kind of life is that.Well,what did you do with your life.I stayed in bed and watched movies for over twenty years.My quality of life would be ten times better if I could do my one pill a day routine.Not a good trade,one pill equals twenty years in bed.I will take the one pill route any day of the week.Professionals need to tell people that pill sick is between seven days and twenty years.The human body is not made to lay in bed for twenty years.Back,back,back hurts so bad after two years,I cannot imagine another eighteen years in this bed looking at the ceiling,no way.