A month ago my tongue started feeling tight and sore. After inspecting my throat I found red spots all over the soft part of my palate but no pain at all. I did a swab test for strep throat which came out negative. However, my boyfriend was tested positive at the same time, and since we did have close contact I think that my test was not done properly. I was put on Augmentin (amoxicillin and clavulanate)for 8 days which cleared my tongue and throat. Just a couple of days after I finished my therapy I felt that the lymph nodes behind my ears were enlarged. I went to the doctor, and was diagnosed with acute pharyngitis and catarus tubae auditivae. This time I got a double dose of azithromycin (6x500mg), and fluconasole (2x150mg). It's been six days since I've finished my therapy, and now I can feel that the lymph node behind my ear is slightly enlarged again. I also see a white spot on my tonsil (about 2mm) which has been there for some time now. All this time I feel almost no pain. I am panicking because I know that azithromycin is one of the strongest antibiotics out there, and yet my lymph node is slightly enlarged again. I also feel some kind of pressure in my ear which is hard to describe. It's almost feel like I have a finger stuck in my ear, and it goes away when I rub it. I am a male, 27 years old, smoker, and overall I feel really good with no headaches, fevers, loss of appetite or fatigue. My health was very good over the years. I think that I should also mention that I suffer from an anxiety disorder which causes back pain and muscle tension. I am frightened that it might be leukemia, or some other potentially dangerous illness. Please, help me.