Hi! I have had 4 back surgeries L4 and L5 with the last being a fusion. I'm always in pain, but I have noticed that after my father passed in March 2014, I have increased pain not just in my back but legs. I thought I had the flu several times but didn't . I have been getting migraines almost everyday. Other symptoms I have is depression, fatigue, stiffness worst when I get up and at night before or after going to bed. What could it be?
I have insomnia, pain radiating from my lower back down my buttocks and down the back of my right leg. I do get very painful pain in both my thigh and calf muscles but my right leg is worst. I have drop foot in my right leg from back surgeries. My husband tries to massage them but they are very tender and painful to the touch. I haven't told my doctor yet because I also suffer from restless leg syndrome and am up to one two times a day on pramipexole 0.5 mg tabs., but lately it's not working. It's gotten worst.