This is a question about my sexual health.
Anyways, when I take a run, usually everyday, my groin area becomes extremely smelly and sweaty, as the smell stained my underwear. I'm fairly overweight, and so when I run, I must be rubbing my legs together to increase the friction between my perineum... Over the weekend, after looking up my pain in my groinal area, the pain was located on the perineal raphe, in one concentrated area. It definitely hurt a lot when I tried to move around, and yet I still decided to take a light jog.. The pain had been persistent for a few days but I let it be without a doctor's notice. Over the course of the year, I also have been masturbating to realize that I have been ejaculating extremely almost "fungal smelling like" rancid, yellow semen. I thought it could have been a dehydration/diet problem, but I highly doubted it. It still occurs everytime...So how do I treat this? Along with that, I contracted genital warts last year, yet even though I was a virgin. I thought it could have been "Hirsuties coronae glandis" or something else, and so I went to my physician. He did not observe it very well, and he said just to wash it thoroughly and cleanly.. After a year, the Genital Warts have completely spread everywhere. (Over 50 individual/connecting warts.) Is there a full treatment for this? To completely get rid of all the warts ?