About two years ago i had a bunionectomy. I thought it went well, but a few weeks later I began having problems. The most serious was a tenderness, even a pain in the nerve next to my inner heel bone. After that, the glands in my pubic area on the right side (I had the surgery on the right foot) began swelling and have not gone away. Since then, I have had fertility problems. I cannot get pregnant. And the swelling will not go away. I am ovulating, but I cannot conceive. I was wondering, am I crazy? Can the podiatrist have messed my nerves up so bad that my glands are not allowing me to get pregnant? I recall my OBGYN telling me that the glands can swell as a sign that there was an infection somewhere in the body. Is this true?
Please respond. i don't want to think I am a crackpot, but I never had problems getting pregnant before the surgery.