Hi, I had my laparoscopic hysterectomy 7 days ago and have not experienced very much pain. The only painkillers that I was given in hospital was panadol and since coming home last Thursday I have only need to take a painkiller on three occasions. However, I noticed when I woke up yesterday that I was particularly tender to the left of my belly button and during the day this was particularly painful when I sneezed or laughed. This morning it feels worse. The area is not tender when I am laying on my back but when I am upright feels really sore and when I put any stress on it, e.g. by sneezing, it is extremely painful. I had expected more pain that I have experienced so far but because this has come on several days after my op I am concerned that I may have damaged something. Are you able to advise whether this is normal? Many thanks, Pauline