well this has been going on for more that 6 wks. started off with chest tightness. went to hosp by ambulance spent 2 days in hosp in seattle. had ekg,. nuclear hrt scan nuclear lung. scan, all neg . dr. recomended nexium x 2 a day. that did help but feel unusually tired sleeping 18 hrs a day now. have been to 5 dr. they dont know what is wrong.so meds im on are amlodipine, that we are stopping .taking metoperol 25 mg. a day. thyroid 1 q d. allergy inj. ,25 q week have had blood tests, vit b 12 , cortizol level, parvo test, cbc, wbc, all blood tests all test neg and normal my balance is off. unsteady, ext`reme thirst b.s. 100 no diabetes in family. dedimmer is 800. no dizziness 10 lb wt loss in one month. lt. lower leg pain ultra sound was neg. no clots found. tried to do the treadmil and echo too tired only was on the treadmill for 5 min. now i am having weaknes in the left arm feel clumsy. extreme fatigue now for 2 mos. seeing my dr. again on Tues after stopping amlodipine. too unsteady to walk in dr. office go by wheelchair now.