had my 8 yr old daughter into the er this morning at like 4 30 am we left there at like 9 30 or so am today. took her to the er for these types of symptoms, no fever, not drinking very much, not going to the bathroom very much, not eating much, vomiting, stomahce hurts all over, they did xray and a mri with contrast, they told my that it may b a uti or the appendix so they had a sugern come down to sheck her out she was not worried for the appendix, so they gave her a 3 day med for a uti, it is now 6 pm here and she now vomiting again n now complains of only 1 sided pain in the stomache area, should I take her back in yet tonite or wait till tomorrow when she is going to be seeing the family doctor at 10 mam tomorrow morning, so im askin if I should take her back in tonite, or walt and see when I take her in tommoeeow to see the family doc. thanks