HI--I live in Eastern Oregon (high desert climate--just beginning spring here). I went to Las Vegas for a week, returning Mar. 3rd. When I got there, I already had the beginning of a phlegmy throat, but I just took Airborne to mask symptoms while I was there. Since my return, I ve had days where I ve had a froggy throat & cough here & there, but not every day. Yesterday evening, the symptoms were present, & I gargled with warm salt water. When I spit, there was blood in it. Not really any phlegm. Just spit with blood. After 2 gargles, the blood stopped. This morning, I repeated the salt water gargle routine--nothing. This evening after work, I gargled again--the first two times, spit with blood, then the more I gargled, nothing. Is this something to be concerned about? Upper respiratory or sinus infection? I have no other symptoms.