Hi. So this is kinda awkward for me, but I need some help.. about four days ago I woke up with some slight stinging pain coming from the top of my inner thigh in the crease next to my balls.. I didn't think anything of it or do anything about it because I thought maybe the area had just got rubbed a little raw by my boxer briefs. So this has been this way for about 3-4 days now, but it wasn't till today that it actually started bothering me.. I checked myself in the bathroom this morning and it looks like a rash of some sorts. It's in the same spot at the top of both of my inner thighs(also now spreading to the the bottom of my sac), it is so raw that I cringe with every step I take, there's like this weird clear liquid/puss on it that smells bad, and it looks like the skin on my thighs is peeling, kinda like it does when you get a sunburn.. if there is any chance i could please get some advice back on what it possibly is and what I should do about it, I would greatly appreciate it! I haven't been with anyone in awhile so I'm pretty sure it's not an STD of any sort, but to be honest I don't know... but what I do know is that it hurts.. bad :/