I am a 69 year old male who had bypass surgery x 5 in 1997. I have had two heart attacks that I didn't realize I had. They showed up a couple of years ago when I had a stress test. I just had a stress test which showed apical infract., basal inferior septal and inferior infract., a moderate zone of mild snterior ischemia, a small inferoapical ischemia, decreased lv function, measured at 28 percent, visually at 40 percent, a dilated lv cavity, which appears more dilated at stress, with abnormal TID. I don't really understand what all of this means. I am on many medications, and see doctors regularly. I am really doing quite well. However, I need to have knee replacement as the cartilage in my right knee is totally gone and it is just bone on bone. I have a great deal of trouble walking and need to have this replacement. My heart doctor said he will give clearance. Do you think there is a lot of risk to me having this surgery with my heart history? I am also diabetic and have COPD. Thank you in advance for your answer. My e-mail is YYYY@YYYY .