Hello doctor, I am a 26 yo man who had mutual masturbation with a casual, unknown partner in a gay sauna. Masturbation involved only hand-to-genital contact, but no direct contact between our genitals. About 4 days after the episode, I started feeling a burning sensation scattered along the shaft of my penis, and developed some wart-like blisters which did not look like herpes (The doctor also took a herpes swab, which came out negative). These blisters have now nearly gone, but the burning sensation is still there, and is at times unbearable. It does not burn at all when I urinate, although I still took a test for chlamydia and gonorrhea (results are not available yet). For some reason I m worried it might be syphilis. All doctors I ve seen have told me that (1) these are not the typical signs of early syphilis infection, and (2) the risk I had was extremely low. But I m still worried the partner who masturbated me might have had some rashes or ulcers on his palms... The last doctor I saw told me it s nothing and I can continue to have sex without worrying. What s your opinion about this, doctor? Thank you!