I woke up yesterday morning with a coughing gagging reflex, no cold or sinus problems. So I decided to check in my throat and was horrified to find the Uvula was so enlarged and causing this gagging reflex. I checked online and decided to go to ER. When I got to see the triage nurse she took my temperature and I had a fever (usually being immuno compromized I know when I have a fever, yet did not feel it). She took me to see the doctor right away, so the doctor checked quickly told me to put a gown on and she returned 15 minutes later, she checked my throat and stated I had swollen tonsils and Uvula, so she prescribes Azitromycin as I am allergic to Penicillin, Cipro and Flagyl, I am also allergic to NSAIDS, and anaphylactic shock from Iodine (despite having had the Iodine allergie prep of benadryl and prednisone) and I also had Serotonin Syndrome from one dose of Cymbalta years ago. The problem I am having today is the Uvula has continued to swell and is now behind my tongue (yesterday it sit nicely on the tongue), now I constantly feel like I am choking on something stuck in my throat (which is the Uvula) I have trouble swallowing pills and solid foods, been drinking plenty of fluids and having a bit of problem this evening with this also, I have taken chicken noodle soup as suggested by the doctor (I just had the equivalent of 12 cups of soup since 36 hours) The is only so much salt one can take in a day. I also been doing the warm water salt gargle, yet the Uvula does not change in size. But if feels like there is always something stuck in the throat I cough I gag I grunt. Fever is still present despite taking Tylenol, I even tried taking Benadryl today as I am already on Reactine 10 mg each night so a pharmacist stated not more then 2 Benadryl per day because am on Reactine 365 days per year for environmental allergies, I am also allergic to latex and alcohol sanitizers which both give me benchospasms. I have JRA since age 15, Fibromyalgia since age 21, I am asthmatic from second hand smoke as I myself never smoked, I also never took drugs and never drink alcohol. I have low C3 C4, high CRP (10 - 20) and high ESR almost always above 40, doctors classify me as autoimmune disorders. I have endometriosis on Depot Lupron since 2008, I have IBS and post cholecystectomie syndrome. I also have Raynaud s syndrome, I have PAT vs SVT on holter rate up to 179 and as low as 40 once the rhythm breaks (they could not find the focus on EPS therefore am on calcium channel blockers. I have acid reflux (no kidding with all the meds I am on), I also am known for chronic post nasal drip. We had to stop my steroids in July 2013 as I was passing blood and proteins and had alkalotic urine back then, I am now on lasix 40 mg as I had real bad leg swelling all red and shiny and if skin got irritated it seeped serous fluid. Some doctors think I have a seronegative lupus and it is why I develop all these allergies and health issues. I did have a cold 2 weekends ago but it cleared within 3 days (which I found was odd as that is not my usual). Now the last 2 days after I awake the Uvula is worst, I am kind of worried about going to bed tonight and have further problems. I have no clue what else I can do to stop the inflammation from happening and how to relieve this grunting gagging coughing reflex, sometimes it gets so bad I have to lean forward and put my head down. I have problem for 30 to 45 minutes following eating or drinking fluids. Yesterday Ricola throat lozenges helped but today the salivation and sucking makes me gag and grunt. My breathing at this time is good just the swallowing is becoming worst. I do not like going to ER for nothing either and since they sent me home yesterday stating I would feel better in 24 hours yet I am worst, now my tonsils and Uvula have these white patches on them also, yesterday they were just red and swollen. Any advice other then what I have tried so far would be greatly appreciated and thanks. I am a nurse, but have been off work for PTSD from domestic violence and am scheduled to return to work Feb 9th, therefore I need to be better by then. Finally I am ready to go back to work and I get this happening.