Hard lump or vein towards the end of my penis? I m 18 and I masturbate 1-2 times daily. I m fairly healthy. I used to smoke cigarettes but it was for a couple of months and I ve already quit. I don t believe cancer is the issue but I just want to make sure this is something I shouldn t stress so much over. It is what feels like a hardened vein coming from the head of my penis (not visible on the head) it has a bulky part and it splits off into smaller parts that feel like smaller hardened lines. It is specifically on the left side, on the bottom (facing down while standing) in the upper part of the shaft right below the head. It does not hurt, even when I squeeze it, but if I squeeze it hard enough a stinging pain goes throughout it (a pain level of 1 out of 20). It can also hurt just a little when I masturbate and rub against it hard enough. I ve always had thicker skin than usual on this 1/3 of my penis, so I can t tell if it is swollen or the vein is just bulging. It does not appear swollen but it is noticeably bigger in that area. There is no change in color whatsoever. This just appeared out of no where a few weeks back which I thought was strange because I masturbate daily and one day I didn t feel it but then the next day I did. This appeared I want to say three weeks back or so, and I ve still masturbated everyday since. I want to know if this is worth stressing over or if this can be solved by simply not masturbating for a few weeks. Thank you so much