Hi. My wife and I are currently 17 weeks, 5 days pregnant. We had IVF due to her anatomy (born with half uterus, 1 kidney, 1 Fallopian tube) and had trouble conceiving naturally. We did something called "natural IVF". As part of the IVF we also did PGD testing which came back normal. After a low PAPP-A result, we also decided to do the Maternity 21 test, and that came back normal as well. Recently, she was told her AFP was slightly elevated at 2.99 (1st test) and 2.69 (2nd test). The genetics counselor said she felt the low PAPP-A coupled with the slightly elevated AFP was more of placenta issue than a neural tube defect issue. We had an ultrasound at 17 weeks, and they said the brain and spine looked good, but that the baby has single umbilical artery. I'm wondering if this could have caused the blood results she had with regards to her PAPP-A being low and AFP being slightly elevated? Also, does it provide any reassurance that we had normal PGD and Maternity 21 test with regards to the SUA? Or do those tests not really have much bearing on potential SUA issues? The doctor said we should come back for a 20 week US to view the heart because at only 17 weeks, it's hard to get good pictures of heart. We are scheduled to go back for another US in 3 weeks. The doctor did say she saw both kidneys...