English translation would be appreciated! Angiographic Results: LEFT MAIN: Left main coronary has calcification and plaque with some irregularity, but no stenosis. LEFT ANTERIOR DESCENDING: Left anterior descending is diffusely diseased with calcification throughout its proximal midportion. The proximal vessel after the first septal branch at a 50% norrowing. In the mid vessel, there is a longer segment of 50% to perhaps 60% narrowing. There is normal flow throughout the LAD. LEFT CIRCUMFLEX: the circumflex also has calcification. The midportion has a long tubular 70% stenosis. Beyond this, it gives off an obtuse marginal branch that is 30% norrowed proximally and has a 70% more discrete distal narrowing. RIGHT CORONARY: Right coronary is totally occluded at its ostium. There is rich network of well-established collaterals from the septal branches filling the distal right coronary artery, which is diffusely diseased. LEFT VENTRICULOGRAPHY: LV gram performed in capillary projection reveals inferobasal hypokinesis, estimated ejection fraction 50%. Impression: 1: Multivessel coronary artery disease 2: New onset atrial fibrillation with rapid heart rate producing ischemic changes