I have been having swelling in evenings and early mornings for years. I have consulted a Dr. a couple different times and all they want to do is call it carpotunel. Yes, I probably have that, but that has nothing to do with the swelling of my feet. Furthermore, I get numbness in my arms and feet often as well. The last doctor I saw was able to experience the numbness, because one of my feet went numb during the appointment. When she felt how much colder it was she knew it was for real. She ordered MRI and EEG. MRI was only of neck. She did xray in office and said she saw some arthritis around part of my spine. The MRI found nothing, The EEG found some tennis elbow.. Still, I have no answers. I have thought for some time that it is a form or arthritis.. RA or LUPUS, I am not sure.. but all anyone wants to do is waste money and time and no answers. If she saw arthritis around my spine.. why not MRI that area? Also, whenever I stand up from sitting, I have to basically wait for my joints to adjust before I can take a step so I do not fall. There are times my feet swell so bad it hurts to walk. my hands.. I literally have to use 2 hands to take a drink from a glass in the am. A couple of days ago, I have started with little bumps that itch horribly on the tops of my hands and around my wrists. Any suggestions, answers???